Sunday, February 12, 2006

Northeast Snow Storm

The big snow storm that hit the Northeast is just about over here in Southeast PA, we recieved here about 12-14 inches of snow. It always amazes me the panic that set in when a snow storm approaches. People rush to the food stores & home stores for shovels and salt, like didn't they have a shovel from the last time it snowed? I grew up in Rochester NY, where the average snow fall is around 100 inches a winter so to me the snow is not a big deal. Here the average snow fall is only 12 inches.

A few years back, my parents moved to Dallas, Texas. They said the panic is even worse there. Not so much with snow issues but the occasional morning ice.

Here are a few pictures from around the house I took while we were all out shoveling.


Deb R said...

Beautiful snow pics!

(I love photos of snow, I just don't like ACTUAL snow!)

Elle said...

Yikes! And here I am griping about the 8 inches we got here in D.C.