Monday, October 31, 2005

Sunday in the Sun

Sunday morning the sky was brilliant blue and the sun was brightly shining. It was however a bit windy... Last week while driving by a Michaels Crafts, I stopped in and purchased 3 bottles of Setaolor Fabric Paint... I woke up Danielle, asked her if she would like fabric paint with me, who'd a thought she would actually jump out of bed with excitement!

This was our first attempt, The trees quickly covered our project in shade.

So for our second attempt, we moved to the front of the house and on the driveway. Here we had almost 1 hour of sun. By now it's 3PM.

Here are our final projects!

Danielle painted the blue/green/fuchsia and mine is the fuchsia/blue. After we were finished her next comment was can we dye our own fabric? This is so much fun!

Oh boy, what have I created? It started with her graduation project, I taught her how to thread paint, machine applique, machine quilt...she entered her quilt in the PNQE...and she won Best amateur Entry, Innovative, 2005.

"Live at Red Guitar", the guitar is all thread painted, the strings are couched cording, she used real buttons on the shirt.

I think we make a great team. But sometimes I wonder do I get my creativity from her or does she get it from me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi mommy just thought you might wanna know i get creativity from you not you from me or something like that?